Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mini-Review 1 - Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods, is a meta-humor, horror parody filled to the brim with homages to other popular films. The blend of references is done masterfully, never jumping out as a clear placement, while still being respectful to it's source material.

Overall the movie follows a typical horror plot. A group of stereotypical teens take a stereotypical trip when they are attacked by a stereotypical movie monster. However, the end result is anything but stereotypical. Under the events of the teens there is a group of workers trying to create the typical horror troupes (including but not limited to: Going somewhere you shouldn't, dropping your weapon, splitting up etc...).

This feature creates an interesting catch for the viewer and allows the audience to draw parallels to how similar the plots of horror movies are. Without spoilers the end of the movie takes an interesting point or view making the viewer rethink, "Should horror movies be made differently?"

While not a must watch, the movie is definitely worth if your a fan of horror movies!

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